MARCH MADNESS // Music Videos and Comedy!

Tickets $5. Come celebrate March Madness, not with basketball brackets, but by basking in the glorious shimmer of locally made music videos! Not only will your eyes and ears commingle in a pool of joyful ecstasy, but local comedians Lee H. Tillman, Kelly Thomas, and special guest emcee Michelle Kicherer of Banana Pitch will bring this event full circle with plenty of hearty laughs and an audience applause meter. 

Tickets $5. Come celebrate March Madness, not with basketball brackets, but by basking in the glorious shimmer of locally made music videos! Not only will your eyes and ears commingle in a pool of joyful ecstasy, but local comedians Lee H. Tillman, Kelly Thomas, and special guest emcee Michelle Kicherer of Banana Pitch will bring this event full circle with plenty of hearty laughs and an audience applause meter. 

  1. 7:00 pm