Access at Tomorrow Theater
The Tomorrow Theater resides in the historic Oregon Theater building that was constructed in 1925. Architects worked together to balance preserving the historic structure and making it accessible. We offer the following information so you can decide if this building is accessible for you. We welcome questions and feedback.
Closed Captions
We have 15 CaptiView devices. The film must have CCAP embedded in it to use them. If you want to use one, please let us know by email at
Assisted Listening Devices
We have a Listen Everywhere streaming wifi system. Guests need to connect to the Guest wifi and download the “ListenEverywhere” app and use it to stream Event/Cinema audio to their own devices. Wifi connectivity and the ListenEverywhere app are required to use this service. Any headphones or even bluetooth hearing aids will work with this app. Please note, in order for the audio description to work, the film must have VI (audio description) encoded in the file. Regular audio works for all events and cinema screenings.
Audio Descriptions
We have 15 Dolby Fidelio devices, which is a wireless audio system that delivers both HI for hard-of-hearing patrons, and VI Narration for blind and low vision patrons. The film must be encoded with an audio description track.
We have the capacity for 4 wheelchairs, along with 4 mobile companion seats. We have additional seating in the front row that can be used to accommodate additional wheelchair and companion seats. Please notify the theater if you’re bringing a wheelchair so we can prepare the theater for your stay. You can email us at
Our stage is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible for people presenting who use a wheelchair, so we will make alternate arrangements if a speaker or performer uses a wheelchair.
Accessible Seating
Please notify the theater if you have ADA accessible needs so we can prepare the theater in advance for your stay. You can email us at

Theater Seats
Fixed – 249x total
Have fixed armrests
Have tray tables in the arm rest

Companion Seats
Movable – 8x total
Used as ADA companion seats, can be booked by guests without accessibility needs if there are no other seats available.
These seats do not have tray tables
Have fixed armrests

Bariatric Chairs
Moveable – 4x total
Can accommodate 1,000 lbs, no arm rests, non-fixed, movable chairs
Can be used on stage or as audience chairs

Folding chairs
Moveable – 14x total folding chairs
Seat size: 16 x 16″; 1 ¼” foam padded seat with ¾” backrest
Can support up to 300lbs
Seat height: 18″
No arm rests

Booster seats – 12x total

Wheelchair & Accessible Parking
There is one accessible parking spot across Division on SE 35th Place between Division and SE Grant Court. There is a second accessible parking space two blocks away on SE 36th Ave between Division and SE Clinton St. There are modern curb cuts with truncated domes at the corner of SE 35th Place and SW Division and right in front of the entrance. There is a marked crosswalk across Division at SE 35th There is a ramp going from the entrance to the lobby area outside of the theater. There are shops between the corner of the block and the entrance that have signs and seating on the sidewalk, but there is room to navigate past them while remaining on the sidewalk. The sidewalks on the residential streets may not be accessible.
Entrance: Stairs and Ramp
Manual glass doors open into the lobby. There are stairs to the left and a cement ramp to the right.
The ramp is 41.5 inches wide, 62 feet long, and has an elevation change of 4 feet and 11 inches. There are cement edges that start nearly flush with the ramp at the top and are a couple feet high at the end. There is a metal handrail with a thin rectangular top that runs the length of the ramp. It protrudes out closer to the ramp near the middle due to a protrusion in the wall. The ramp is composed of multiple poured concrete sections with small gaps between them, some of which are uneven and can cause the mobility device to veer to the left or right.
Water Station
There is a water station next to the accessible restroom, with cups to collect water from a push style dispenser.
Accessible Restroom
An accessible all gender, single-user restroom is located at the top of the ramp. It has a manual door. Please ask staff if you would like assistance operating the door.
Additional Restrooms
Just outside the auditorium is a stairway with two flights of steps that lead to five all-gender single user restroom stalls with floor to ceiling walls and doors.
The walls of the staircase are purple and yellow with an orange neon Oregon Theatre sign hanging directly above the staircase. Stair edges are covered in smooth tape with a yellow and black checkered pattern alternating with solid black tape that is textured. The combination of these patterns, the neon light, and the mirrors may trigger photosensitivity for some visitors.
There is a row of four sinks at the top of the stairs. Behind them is a black wall with 40 oblong bubble mirrors that reflect a funhouse-like distorted image. Above them is a black panel with three rows of small circles with yellow lights illuminating behind them. This may also trigger photosensitivity for some visitors.

There is a baby changing table between the sinks and the restroom stalls.
Please use the accessible restroom on the ground level if these restrooms are not accessible for you
There is a concession stand in the lobby. If the service counter is not accessible to you, please speak with staff and they will be happy to assist. Each theater seat has a small table which can be pulled out from between the seats. Please see staff if you would like assistance. We ask that food and beverages be purchased at the theater, water, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages will be available.
The auditorium has two steep carpeted aisles with red lights lining each edge. About half way down there is a cement platform in the middle with space for 4 accessible seats and 4 removable companion seats. There are steep, wide, cement ramps on either side of the stage which lead to emergency exits.

We acknowledge that the theater seats are narrow. Please feel free to reserve accessible seating if the theater seats aren’t a good fit for you. The current chairs for companion seating have a 300lb weight limit. If you would like to request a larger seat please contact us in advance.
Sensory Space
There are no additional spaces in the theater to use as a sensory/quiet space. Please feel free to step outside as needed and staff will allow you back in when you are ready.
Communication Access
We are still in the process of setting up the technology in this space. If you would like to request open captions, American Sign Language/English interpretation, assistive listening devices, or individual audio description for programming please make the request as early as possible.
Headsets are available for audio description and Captiview caption devices are available for media with with AD and CC.
Accessibility Questions & Feedback
We are a new theater, and we welcome questions and feedback. For accessibility questions or feedback, please contact:, 503-276-4284 by phone, or our direct videophone for Deaf visitors 503-420-3169.