Welcome to MARCH MADNESS: MILLENNIAL MOVIES—a knock-down, drag-out fight to the finish to decide once and for all which is the best millennial film. Vote on Instagram, watch the films at the theater, and follow the bracket as we tally up the points.


[ PAST EVENT ] Dead Media Hour w/ Stephen Slappe

Tickets $15. A special screening of rare skateboarding films from the 1960s hosted by Stephen Slappe of the Dead Media Hour archive. Two early classics, Skaterdater (1965) and Rouli Roulant, a.k.a. The Devil’s Toy (1966) will be projected in glorious 16mm film.

A never-before-seen collection of beautiful home movies filmed by East Bay skateboarders in Oakland and Berkeley in 1965 will also be shown. Originally shot on silent 8mm film, a high-definition scan of these amateur movies will be accompanied by Slappe adding context to their history and significance as well as live 45 record spinning by DJ Lazerwolf, all deep cuts from 1965. You don’t have to be a skateboarder to love this show, but skateboarders will definitely love this show!

Tickets $15. A special screening of rare skateboarding films from the 1960s hosted by Stephen Slappe of the Dead Media Hour archive. Two early classics, Skaterdater (1965) and Rouli Roulant, a.k.a. The Devil’s Toy (1966) will be projected in glorious 16mm film.
A never-before-seen collection of beautiful home movies filmed by East Bay skateboarders in Oakland and Berkeley in 1965 will also be shown. Originally shot on silent 8mm film, a high-definition scan of these amateur movies will be accompanied by Slappe adding context to their history and significance as well as live 45 record spinning by DJ Lazerwolf, all deep cuts from 1965. You don’t have to be a skateboarder to love this show, but skateboarders will definitely love this show!

  1. 7:00 pm


The one and only Miranda July is back in Portland for this intimate talk at the Tomorrow Theater about her incredibly multi-faceted life and art (and everything in between!) as well as her latest creative endeavors.
Round out your Miranda July Carte Blanche experience by joining us for her curated film series on the theme of time/space/reality/memory/truth being in question.
Join us for the full series: Random Harvest, The Truman Show, The Heiress, and Somewhere In Time.