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Poster for SOCIAL CINEMA // Pie Day with Pi
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SOCIAL CINEMA // Pie Day with Pi

Opens on March 14

Run Time: 84 min.

Doors at 6:30 p.m.; Film at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15. 

Click here to learn more about accessibility at the Tomorrow Theater.


Grab a slice of Atlas pizza pie from our concession stand, and join us for a celebration of pie & pi! Prize for the person who can recite the longest string of 𝛑 (3.14159265359…….). Afterwards we’ll screen A24’s newly restored version of Darren Aronofsky’s 1998 breakout feature Pi. 


1998. Directed by Darren Aronofsky. Runtime: 84 minutes. Rated R.
In NYC’s Chinatown, reclusive mathematical genius Max (Sean Gullette) believes “everything can be understood in terms of numbers,” and looks for a pattern in the system, while plagued with debilitating headaches and extreme paranoia, manifested through menacing hallucinations. His obsession to find underlying complete order in the real world and contrasting two seemingly irreconcilable entities: the imperfect irrationality of humanity and the rigor and regularity of mathematics, specifically number theory.

As Darren Aronofsky’s first feature film, he uses stark black-and-white imagery to create a sci-fi world, crafted by music and cinematography and built without expensive special effects. 


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