BLIND DATE NIGHT w/ Tarot Readings
Run Time: 121 min.
Doors Open 6 p.m.; FREE Tarot readings from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.; Film starts 7 p.m.. Tickets are $15.
Click here to learn about accessibility at the Tomorrow Theater.
Are we celebrating the Valentines of Tomorrow? Yes we are! No candy hearts or roses needed, we’re providing an alternative to show your love for unbound artists, storytellers and magic-makers in our community. Jump into the unknown and join us for a completely unique, unexpected and deeply moving experiences this weekend.
The Blind Date—It’s date night with a twist, where no one knows what the night holds. Clues and instructions will be given at ticket purchase but full details will not be revealed until entry.
Join us from 6pm – 7pm to grab a drink and get a free tarot reading before the film from Margaret Malone.
*Mystery Film*
2016. 120 minutes. Not Rated.
A beautiful young witch is determined to find a man to love her. In her gothic Victorian apartment she makes spells and potions, and then picks up men and seduces them. However, her spells work too well, leaving her with a string of hapless victims. When she finally meets the man of her dreams, her desperation to be loved will drive her to the brink of insanity and murder.
Margaret Malone, Tarot Reader
Margaret Malone is the author of the story collection PEOPLE LIKE YOU (Atelier26 Books), Finalist for the 2016 PEN Hemingway Award and Winner of the Balcones Fiction Prize. Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in BOMB, The Rumpus, The Missouri Review, Paper Darts, and elsewhere. She lives in Portland, Oregon where she is a co-host of the artist and literary gathering SHARE.